Courtesy Visit by Global Center on Adaptation, a Netherlands based Organisation

Courtesy Visit by Global Center on Adaptation, a Netherlands based Organisation

Global Center on Adaptation , a Netherlands based Organisation Specializing in Urban Climate Change Resilience conducted a site visit to Siaya County, their first visit among the 47 counties aimed at working to design a masterclass meant to provide training support to Counties as well as mid-school level staff, engineers, architects and planners interested in better intergrading climate change considerations in their work programs.
They intend to foster solutions in quest to address development, climate and biodiversity issues within the social, political and economic context of urban areas across the region with support from the World Bank, International Institute for Environment and Development, County Governments, Municipalities and National Government.
Council of Governors is currently working to educate members of the Public on the importance of adopting GCA by stakeholders in their various working programs.
According to the GCA timeline the training is scheduled to take place in July 2024 while in September UCRMC pilot two will be delivered in the counties and Municipalities.
The team proceeded to tour flood prone areas within the County pointing out necessary steps to be considered in cushioning the impact.

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