Finance and Economic Planning

Finance and Economic Planning

Finance and Economic Planning

  • Overview

  • Priorities and Strategies

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To be the leading sector in planning, research, public policy formulation, coordination, supervision and efficiency in financial management.


To provide overall leadership and policy direction in research, planning, resource mobilization, financial management and accountability for sustainable socioeconomic development.

Sector Overview

The Department provides leadership in financial management for the County. The Department focus will be on reviewing the County Finance Act and restructuring the revenue collection and management system to enhance own source revenue (OSR); strengthen supply chain management and audit services; develop and implement a resource mobilization strategy to explore opportunities for support from development partners, collaboration with the private sector through public-private partnerships and the use of debt instruments.

Goals Sector Priorities Strategies
Strengthen economic planning
  • Establish the statistics unit and data management unit
  • Establish resource mobilization
  • Establish external resource coordination unit
  • Strengthen M&E for evidence based decision making
  • Develop staff capacity
  • Strengthen Information and Documentation Services
Strengthen financial management
  • Review the County Finance Act and restructuring the revenue collection and management system to enhance own source revenue;
  • Establish a Revenue Management Agency
  • Strengthen supply chain management and audit services;
  • Develop and implement a resource mobilization strategy to explore opportunities for support from development partners
  • Strengthen Internal Control Systems
  • Strengthen enforcement capacity
  • Strengthen intra and inter departmental coordination of revenue collection

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