Water, Irrigation, Environment, Climate Change & Natural Resources

Water, Irrigation, Environment, Climate Change & Natural Resources

  • Overview

  • Priorities and Strategies

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Sustainable access to adequate safe water and sanitation in a clean and secure environment
To promote, conserve and protect life, environment and improve access to water and sanitation for sustainable development


Strategic Objectives of the Department
1) To Increase safe water coverage from 55.1% to 65%. by 2027
2) To increase sewerage coverage from 0.05% to 5% by 2027
3) To increase Forest coverage from 6.2 % to %10 by 2027
4) To reduce the use of carbon based fuels while increasing the use of renewable energy sources.

The Department is mandated to undertake the following tasks:-

  • Oversee and coordinate water and sewerage services provision in the County.
  • Ensure development of water and sanitation infrastructure in the County
  • Ensure rehabilitation and expansion of forest and tree covers in the County
  • Coordinate the management of solid waste in the County with a view to ensuring friendly and greener environment
  • Enhance environmental conservation awareness and beautification activities in the County
  • Manage the Natural Resources endowed in the county with a view to ensuring sustainable utilization without degrading the environment
  • Ensure effective noise and excessive vibrations pollution or nuisance regulation in the County
  • Liaise with the meteorological offices for data documentation and information dissemination
  • Ensure efficient and effective utilization of available human capital and other resources
  • Generate relevant County Specific legislation for the sector

GoalSector PrioritiesStrategies

Provision of safe water and sewerage services to all


Improve access to safe water and sewerage coverage by 10%
  • Develop a Siaya county water policy and masterplan;
  • Upgrade, modernise and expand existing water infrastructure;
  • Establish a dam as source of clean water collaboration with National Government (Magoya on River Nzoia and Yala 1&2)
  •  Strengthen SIBO
  • Increase sewerage connection in all the urban centres
Environment conservation and managementIncrease forest and tree coverage by 10%
  • Operationalize the Siaya County Climate Act 2021 and development of regulations.
  • Improve tree cover with focus on fruit trees
  • Promote sustainable water harvesting technologies;
  • Sustainably conserve wetlands and catchment areas
  • Build climate change resilience within the community
  • Child friendly ablution blocks in market centres
  • Development of Forestry Investment Strategy
  • Promote clean energy solutions and climate information services
Adopt innovative waste management approaches
  • Separate waste into degradable and biodegradable components
  • Recycle waste to create organic fertiliser and recycled plastics, glass and paper products.
  • Develop a policy and strategy on waste management

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