Siaya Municipality

Testing Municipality


Siaya Municipality

  • Vision
    An Economically, Vibrant, Prosperous, Socially, Cohesive and Interlinked Entity
  • Mission
    To facilitate a holistic, orderly and sustainable Urban Environment for the welfare of all the residents of Siaya Our motto A Municipality of CHOICE for Settlement, Investment, work and recreation
  • Strategic Objectives

    To spearhead and manage issues touching on governance within Siaya Municipality
    To intergrate land use and infrastructure planning to improve the built economic and social environments of Siaya Municipality.
    To promote a socio-economic development and protection of significant natural resource.
    To promote a safe, aesthetic and healthy urban environment in Siaya Municipality
    To improve and expand functional urban infrastructure and services within Siaya Municipality.
    To conserve, develop and promote Cultural and Intellectual heritage, sites and activities within Siaya Municipality
    To provide a framework for resource mobilization, generation, partnerships and joint ventures necessary for service delivery within Siaya Municipality
    To provide a framework for policy and plan formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation
    To make Siaya a destination for investment, live work and recreate.

  • Core Mandate
    Promotion, regulation and provision of refuse collection and solid waste management services
    Water and Sanitation
    Construction and maintenance of Municipal Administrative offices and Yard
    Design construction and maintenance of Urban roads and Associated Infrastructure
    Development and enforcement of municipal plans and development controls
    Construction and maintenance of recreational parks and green spaces
    Collection rates, taxes levies duties fees and surcharges on fees
    Promotion regulation and provision of animal control welfare
    Promotion, regulation and provision of municipal and cultural activities
  • Contact Info
    P. O Box 803-40600
    Mobile +254762748487


  • Siaya Municipality Board

  • Municipal Management

  • Municipal Documents

  • Projects

Siaya Municipality Board

Municipal Staff Members


Citizen Fora Report 2022-2023 6.16 MB 165 downloads

  • Finalization of siaya municipality spatial/land use plan
  • Marking of parking lanes in Siaya town
  • Naming of streets and erection of road singage in Siaya Municipality
  • Acquisition of land for municipal waste management
  • Construction of new parking lots in Siaya Town
  • Fencing of siaya municipal cemetery land
  • Landscaping within siaya town
  • Opening and grading of back streets roads in siaya municipality
  • Street Naming Phase II
  • Construction of parking bays in Siaya Town
  • Construction of modern toilets in Ndere and Segere
  • Fencing and installation of a gate of cemetry land
  • High mast lighting at Rock, Banana, Rabango, Awelo, Pap Boro, Mulaha
  • Acquisition of Solid waste management tools and equipment
  • Construction of refuse chambers in Segere, Ndere, Boro and various points in Siaya Towns
  • Installation of bill boards and advertising spaces in Siaya Town

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