Bomet Embraces Siaya's Smart Start Initiative to Enhance Early Childhood Development and Reduce Mortality Rates

Bomet Embraces Siaya’s Smart Start Initiative to Enhance Early Childhood Development and Reduce Mortality Rates

The Nurturing Care for Early Childhood Development dubbed Smart Start Siaya (SSS) Initiative train stopped in Bomet, the 13th County under Lake-Region Economic Bloc (LREB). Siaya First Lady Betty Orengo shared insights and strategies that when adopted would see children’s brains develop to their full potential. Mama Betty also passed to Bomet First lady Selina Barchok the Smart Start initiative torch, that would ensure other candles are lit for the unborn kids to grow to their full potential. A communique was also signed by the county leadership and departments to demonstrate a commitment of the leaders towards supporting initiatives that would enhance survival and growth of the Children in the region. Mama Betty Orengo, while addressing Bomet County Leadership led by Bomet Deputy Governor Shadrack Rotich, said the candle should remain lit and would be paying an impromptu visit to check whether the program is making a positive impact on the residents. The program that focus on proper care of infants of 0-3 years also aims at curbing infant mortality and maternal deaths.


Mama Betty Orengo, who was flanked by Nyamira First lady Emily Nyaribo, Narok First Lady Agnes Ntutu, Siaya CECM for Education Edgar Otumba and CECM for Agriculture Sylvestre K’Okoth, said that the idea is to fight stunted growth, still delivery that is necessitated by gender-based violence. “The Siaya smart start initiative that was adopted in Siaya has yielded positive results and that’s why we have explored LREB counties to advocate for the program to help reverse negative health indicators on children under 0-1000 days. Mama Betty emphasized on the need for a greater emphasis on the couple relationship during pregnancy. “We are here in Bomet to sensitize County government leadership on the need to roll out Smart start initiative at the grassroots for care givers to adopt and use while handling children,’ said Mrs Orengo. She added that a time has come for husbands to be close to their wives while pregnant and ensure they provide nutritious food and discuss with them issues with soft voice as that would have ripple effects on the featus.


Growing up in my home town, my grandmother used to buy for us small fish only during exams time obviously it was not going to help us but to boost our nutrition,” she added. “I want to thank our partners who have been significant in the implementation of the smart start initiate. As LREB first ladies, we do have different expertise and professions that we have capitalized on to propel the child’s agenda,’ said Mama Betty. Mama Betty said “when partner’s invites counties on Smart start initiative trainings kindly embrace it with a lot of seriousness and once equipped with knowledge, spread the idea to reach more people. “We are faced with lots of challenges including safety and security for our children which again is a huge part of nurturing care framework so there is something in need for us of all us, I know the level of violence against girls and women in Bomet is really high and so we shall need all departments to diagnose and treat it.


She reiterated that the First Ladies must take up initiative of making governors understands the Smart start initiative even when it earns drawing diagrams for them to understand where the science is coming from. “We shall work together to ensure that the Children from Bomet does not survive but thrives. you should also plan for bench-making so as to get best practices from the grounds (Siaya),” she added. Mama Betty asked the Bomet County leadership to map out partners and have a round table discussions and joint work plans that would go a long way in supporting smart start initiative. “For the initiative to work, it must not only feature in the County CIDP but also get mainstreamed in departments for it to thrive,” added Mrs Orengo.


Bomet First Lady Selina Barchok has asked partners including KMET and the county government to support her roll out the program to save Bomet from infant mortality and maternal deaths. “I know that Bomet County is faced with a lot of challenges that require huge resources but that does not deter leaders from supporting initiative with resources for we need to develop good brains,” she said. “In the 1000 days of the child is when crucial things happen in the life of children especially the brain development and Immune system,” said Barchock adding that during conception to 3 years, we need to take care of nutrition and ensure the mother gets balanced diet. She regretted that most of the mothers in Bomet are breadwinners and hence not able to balance diet when they struggle to make ends meet. “Every stress mothers encounter has a direct impact on the lives of un-born kids so let’s tame it,” said Mama Selina Barchok.


Narok First Lady Agnes Ntutu hailed the idea saying it should be implemented in Narok where men are fond of abandoning their wives while pregnant. “The triple threats; Gender based Violence, Teenage Pregnancies vices has engulfed Narok and I believe the implementation of the program will help reverse the trends,” noted Mrs Ntutu.


KMET Executive Director Monica Ogutu vowed to support the county realize their dreams in regards to the child agenda once they have put up a clear structure on how they intend to do it. “Am ready to hold your hands through capacity building programs,” she added.

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