Counties Are the New Frontiers For Development, Investors Told

Counties Are the New Frontiers For Development, Investors Told

Siaya Governor James Orengo is currently leading a delegation from Siaya at the Inaugural Kakamega International Investment Conference (KAIICO 2024) which seeks to woe potential investors to set base at the County level.

In his remarks at Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, he termed the devolved units as epicenters of development programmes where we can collectively win the war against poverty and unemployment.

He also urged Counties to work together in some of these initiatives that might end up escalating unhealthy competitions rather than creating success stories that can be shared across boundaries.

"For instance, we are in communication with my counterpart in Busia, Governor Paul Otuoma so that the 60 Million Rice Mill in Usonga with the capacity to process 8,000 metric tons of paddy rice in a year can serve the two Counties. Coupled up with the enormous investment of the Lower Nzoia Irrigation Project, we can be sure that the 10,000 acres of farmland will be able to help reduce our rice deficit and fully service the new mill", said Governor Orengo.

He further called upon the National Government to demonstrate that it has faith in devolution by fully devolving relevant functions, increase counties' allocation and ensure timely disbursement of funds.

Finally, he assured potential investors that Siaya is ripe for Investment, especially in the Agriculture sector where emphasis has been put as the anchor program for modernization and industrial transformation.

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