Pursuant to Article 174 (c) and (d) of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010, that gives powers of self-governance to the people; seeks to enhance the participation of the people in the exercise of the powers of the State and in making decisions affecting them; and recognizes the right of communities to manage their own affairs and to further their development; read together with the Section 2 of the Urban Areas and Cities Act, No. 13 of 2011 (Revised in 2019) that provides for a Citizen Fora as a forum for residents organized for purposes of participating in the affairs of an urban area or a city, the Department of Lands, Physical Planning, Housing & Urban Development, invites members of the public and other stakeholders to public participation forums to give their views on the design and construction of the proposed Siaya Integrated Modern Market and other Economic Stimulus Market Projects (ESP) in Siaya County to be held on 1st February 2024 at the venues and time listed below:
1. UGENYA | East Ugenya | Bar Ober ESP Market | Bar Ober Market | 9.00 am |
2. ALEGO USONGA | Siaya Township | Siaya Integrated Modern Market | Siaya IEBC Hall | 11.00 am |
Central Alego | Obambo ESP Market | Obambo Market | 9.00 am | |
3. RARIEDA | West Asembo | Riat Kolemo ESP Market | Riat Kolemo Market | 9.00 am |
5. GEM | South Gem | Akala ESP Market | Akala Market Shade | 2.00 pm |
Copies of the market designs can be viewed on the County Government of Siaya website – www. siaya.go.ke and at the Directorate of Housing & Urban Development offices, Ardhi House, Siaya.
Proposed Schematic Drawing For The Proposed ESP Market Design.
Siaya-Integrated-Modern-Market Design
Written memoranda from the public may be sent through email address cs@siaya.go.ke or hard copies can be addressed to the undersigned with a copy to the CECM, Department of Lands, Physical Planning, Housing and Urban Development offices. The deadline for submission of written memoranda is 1st February 2024.
For further information, kindly feel free to get in touch with Hon. Maurice Otieno McOrege, CECM for Lands, Physical Planning, Housing and Urban Development on 0722731162.
P.O. Box 803- 40600,