Reschedule of Public Participation on Draft Siaya County Finance Bill 2022/2023.

Reschedule of Public Participation on Draft Siaya County Finance Bill 2022/2023.

The County Government of Siaya wish to inform the residents of Siaya County that the previous notice on the above bill slated for 3rd Oct. 2022 has been cancelled and new dates set accordingly.
Pursuant to Article 10(2). Article 196 (1) (b) of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 and Section 87 of the County Government Act, 2012, the County Government of Siaya has prepared Siaya County Finance Bill, 2022/23.
In this regard, the County Government of Siaya will be holding ward based citizen engagement meetings to capture views of the public on the document. The meetings will be held from 10.00 am at the venues listed below:

ALEGO USONGA North Alego Nyalgunga Chief’s camp 12th Oct. 2022
South East Alego Karemo Resource centre 11th Oct. 2022
Siaya Township Awelo Chief’s camp 11th Oct. 2022
West Alego Mwer Chief’s camp 13th October
Central Alego Boro Chief’s camp 12th Oct. 2022
Usonga Nyadorera Resource Centre 13th Oct. 2022
GEM North Gem Mutumbu Chief’s camp 11th October 2022
Central Gem Nyawara Resource Centre 11th Oct. 2022
Yala Township Jamii Hall, Yala 12th Oct. 2022
East Gem Barkalare Resource Centre 12th Oct.. 2022
West Gem Wagai Resource Centre 13th Oct. 2022
South Gem South Gem Social Hall, Ndori 13th Oct. 2022
UGUNJA Ugunja Ugunja Town Hall 12th Oct. 2022
Sidindi Sikalame Chief’s camp 11th Oct. 2022
Sigomere Sigomere chief’s camp 13th Oct. 2022
UGENYA East Ugenya Uhuru Market 13th Oct. 2022
North Ugenya Sega Polytechnic 12th Oct. 2022
West Ugenya Uwayi catholic church, Aboke 13th Oct. 2022
Ukwala Ukwala Town Hall 11th Oct. 2022
BONDO Yimbo East Nyamonye – KEFYADO Hall 11th Oct. 2022
Yimbo West Usenge Chief’s camp 13th Oct. 2022
West Sakwa Maranda Chief’s camp 12th Oct. 2022
North Sakwa Bondo Town Hall 12th Oct. 2022
Central Sakwa Nango Social Hall 13th Oct. 2022
South Sakwa Migwena Sports ground 11th. Oct. 2022
RARIEDA East Asembo Nyilima Sports ground 11th Oct. 2022
West Asembo Mahaya Chief’s camp 11th Oct. 2022
North Uyoma Ragengni Chief’s camp 12th Oct. 2022
South Uyoma Ndigwa Chief’s camp 12th Oct. 2022
West Uyoma Manywanda Chief’s camp 13th Oct. 2022

Copies of the Siaya County Finance Bill, 2022/2023 can be obtained from the County Government of Siaya website - and respective sub-county and ward administration offices.

Written memoranda can be submitted to Sub – County or Ward Administrator’s offices or County Revenue Department. Soft copies can be sent through email –

The deadline for the submission of the written memoranda is 13rd October 2022. For any queries, please contact CPA Moses Keya, Director Revenue - 0725769080


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