Tender Notice: Department of Public Works, Roads, Energy and Infrastructure February 2023 Advert

Tender Notice: Department of Public Works, Roads, Energy and Infrastructure February 2023 Advert

The County Government of Siaya (CGS) hereby invites interested and eligible tenderers to apply for the tenders listed below.

No. Tender IFMIS No. Tender No.  Project Description  Eligibility  Tender Security (Kshs)  NCA
1 1167242 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/01 Routine maintenance of roads in Usonga ward’
1. Grading and Murruming of Nyongo Road in Usonga Ward
2. Opening, Grading, Gravelling& Culverting of Nyadorera Muhondo Uhere Ecd Road in Usonga Ward
3. Maintenance of Ukudo Road in Usonga Ward
4. Maintenance Of Pto Uwasi Ulupi Mlambo Udamayi Road In Usonga Ward
Open– County Specific 150,000.00 NCA 8 and Above
2 1167239 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/02  Maintenance of Nyawanga (mahero Nyamakaha road in Usonga Women – County Specific To fill tender securing declaration form NCA 8 and Above
3 1167885 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/03 Proposed maintenance of Nyathi Uyoma Dispensary Kamunya road in Central Alego ward PWD – County Specific To fill tender securing declaration form NCA 8 and Above
4 1167887 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/04 Routine maintenance of roads in central Alego ward;
1. Maintenance Of Segere Siwanda Okoyo Ack Road In Central Alego Ward
2 Opening And Grading Of Agulu Nyahenya Road In Central Alego Ward
Open– County Specific 50,000 NCA 8 and Above
5 1167236 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/05 Maintenance of Karuben Koat Road in North Alego ward and maintenance of Ka Aluodo Uhuru road in North Alego ward
1. Maintenance of Ka Ruben - Kaot road
2 Maintenance of Ka Aluodo - Uhuru Road
Youth-county specific 100,000.00 NCA 8 and Above
6 1167233 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/06 Proposed Opening, Grading & Gravelling of Sango Ulalo Road in North Alego Ward and Repairs & Maintenance of Wadh Bar Bath Ragalo Ober Ogunga Road in North Alego Ward
1.     Opening, Grading & Gravelling of Sango Ulalo Road in North Alego Ward.
2.     Repairs & Maintenance Of Wadh Bar Bath Ragalo Ober Ogunga Road In North Alego Ward
PWD – County Specific To fill tender securing declaration form NCA 8 and above
7 1167231 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/07 Routine Maintenance of Roads in North Alego Ward as Per the Attached Bills of Quantities
1.     Maintenance of Fuludhi Rachuonyo Road In North Alego Ward
2.     Maintenance of Kanungo Got Oyenga 2 Road in North Alego Ward
3.     Maintenance of Apende Ochucha Road in North Alego Ward
4.     Maintenance of Fuludhi Usenge Kowet Road in North Alego Ward
5.     Maintenance Of Kanungo Got Oyenga 1 Road In North Alego Ward
Open  – County Specific 200,000.00 NCA7 and Above
8 1167229 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/08 Routine Maintenance of Koyule Hono Road in North Alego Ward Open – County Specific 50,000.00 NCA 8 and Above
9 1167218 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/09 Proposed Maintenance of Chez Albert Pandi Road and Maintenance of Awelo Tarmac County Club Road In Siaya Township Ward
1.     Maintenance of Chez Albert Pandi Road in Siaya Township Ward
2.     Maintenance Of Awelo Tarmac County Club Road In Siaya Township Ward
Women – County Specific To fill tender securing declaration form NCA 8 and Above
10 1167227 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/010 Proposed Maintenance of Karaka Usenge Market Road and Maintenance of Rae Police Road in Siaya Township Ward
1.     Maintenance of Karaka Usenge Market Road in Siaya Township Ward
2.     Maintenance Of Rae Police Road In Siaya Township Ward
Youth – County Specific To fill tender securing declaration form NCA 8 and Above
11 1167224 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/011 Routine Maintenance of Roads in Siaya Township Ward
1.     Maintenance of Kagwada Chief Ring Road in Siaya Township Ward
2.     Maintenance of Ombwede Tinga Road in Siaya Township Ward
3.     Maintenance of Awelo Primary Uhongo Road in Siaya Township Ward
4.     Maintenance of Awelo Nyadenge Road in Siaya Township Ward
5.     Maintenance of Awelo Chief Camp Sulwe Road in Siaya Township Ward
6.     Maintenance of Awelo Kofafa Lwala Road in Siaya Township Ward
7.     Maintenance of Awelo Market Road in Siaya Township Ward
Open – County Specific 200,000.00 NCA 7 and Above
12 1167222 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/012 Routine Maintenance of Nyandiwa Kosolo Lwala Road in Siaya Township Ward Open – County Specific 50,0000.00 NCA 8 and Above
13 1167220 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/013 Grading, Gravelling & Culverting of Tumaini Road Bar Olengo in South East Alego Ward Youth– County Specific To fill tender securing declaration form NCA 8 and Above
14 1167159 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/014 Opening of Kanyo Komundhe Road in South East Alego Ward Open  – County Specific 50,000.00 NCA 8 and Above
15 1167158 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/015 Routine Maintenance of Roads in West Alego Ward
1.Opening, Grading & Gravelling of Gunda Nina Ring Road in West Alego Ward
2.Opening, Grading & Gravelling of Roho Luanda Kanyayo Road in West Alego Ward
3.Opening, Grading & Gravelling of Mwer Kanyakan Kalaru Road in West Alego Ward
4.Maintenance of Adhiambo Road in West Alego Ward
Youth  – County Specific To fill tender securing declaration form NCA 8 and Above
16 1167155 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/016 Routine Maintenance of Roads in West Alego Ward
1.     Opening, Grading & Gravelling of Azusa Opio Aor Karemo Road In West Alego Ward
2.     Maintenance of Mwer Kalkada Road in West Alego Ward
3.     Maintenance of Karadier Oyugi Aremo Nyandiwa Road in West Alego Ward
4.     Opening, Grading, Gravelling & Culverting of Kanyaboli Ring Road in West Alego Ward
Open  – County Specific 200,000.00 NCA7 and Above
17 1167152 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/017 Proposed Maintenance of Odongo Mangako-Warianda Sirongo Road in Central Sakwa Ward. PWD  – County Specific To fill tender securing declaration form NCA 8 and Above
18 1167150 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/018 Maintenance of Wagusu Yamoloko-  Miyandhe Kokewa Liunda Kajohn Road In Central Sakwa Ward Open – County Specific 200,000.00 NCA 8 and Above
19 1167148 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/019 Maintenance of Mawere Junction Luanda Kokumu In North Sakwa Ward Women– County Specific To fill tender securing declaration form NCA 8 and Above
20 1167146 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/020 Routine Maintenance of Roads In N.Sakwa Ward
1.     Maintenance of Got Osogo Odhuno Road in North Sakwa Ward.
2.     Maintenance of Pride Atilili Road in North Sakwa Ward
3.     Opening And Grading Of Kobala Ajiwa Road In North Sakwa Ward
Open – County Specific 100,000.00 NCA 8 and Above
21 1167141 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/021 Maintenance of Kothacha Ouya Wichlum Road in South Sakwa Ward. Open – County Specific 50,000.00 NCA 8 and Above
22 1167138 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/022 Opening of Goma -Kapiyo Road In West Sakwa Ward Youth – County Specific To fill tender securing declaration form NCA 8 and Above
23 1167137 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/023 Maintenance of Koyucho Gunda Nyawita Road In West Sakwa Ward Youth– County Specific To fill tender securing declaration form NCA 8 and Above
24 1167135 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/024 Routine Maintenance of Roads in West Sakwa Ward
1.        Opening of Masita Uloma Got Winyo Road in West Sakwa Ward.
2.        Opening of Nyadunyi Alara Road in West Sakwa Ward
3.        Maintenance of Angeya- Ochuoga Yala Road in West Sakwa Ward
4.        Maintenance of Usoko Kabwere Road in West Sakwa Ward
5.        Maintenance of Kapiyo Komungu Road In West Sakwa Ward
Open – County Specific 200,000.00 NCA 7 and Above
25 1167132 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/025 1.Maintenance of Got Agulu Oundo Road
2.Upperhill Ulowa Primary- Ulowa Secondary Road In Yimbo West Ward
Women – County Specific To fill tender securing declaration form NCA 8 and Above
26 1167131 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/026 Routine Maintenance of Roads In West Yimbo Ward
1.     Maintenance of Nyenye Misori Dispensary- Kamreme Road in Yimbo West Ward
2.     Maintenance of Uhanya Nyenye Beach Road in Yimbo West Ward
3.     Maintenance of Ufwaya Nyenye Got Agulu Beach Road in Yimbo West Ward
4.     Opening,Grading And Gravelling of Ulowa Market-Udimbe Road In Yimbo West.
Open – County Specific 150,000.00 NCA 8 and Above
27 1167129 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/027 Routine Maintenance of Roads in East Yimbo Ward (A).
1.     Openning of Kambi Kamauga- Chief Odemba- Otip Road
2.     Maintenance of kawino-Nyadheho-Mugano-Dudi-Kodinya-Nyadheho-Uyoma Road In Yimbo East Ward.
3.     Maintenance of Konono-Chunga-Kochungo Road in Yimbo East Ward.
4.     Maintenance of Oele-Ka Mzungu-Karemo Ring Road In Yimbo East Ward.
Open – County Specific 50,000.00 NCA 8 and Above
28 1167127 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/028 Routine Maintenance of Roads in East Yimbo Ward (B)
1.     Maintenance of Nyamonye Mago Yala Road in Yimbo East Ward.
2.     Maintenance of Nyamonye Market Ring Roads in Yimbo East Ward.
3.     Opening of Pala Legio Kakoth Road in Yimbo East Ward.
4.     Maintenance of Aduwa Magombe Achuodho Kayouth Road in Yimbo East Ward.
5.     Maintenance of Ombowa Lela Bar Akuku Road in Yimbo East Ward.
6.     Opening of Komollo Village Road in Yimbo East Ward.
7.     Landscaping Of Nyamonye Public Park
Open – County Specific 150,000.00 NCA 8 and Above
29 1167126 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/029 Routine Maintenance of Roads in Central Gem Ward
1.     Proposed Maintenance of Wagai-Lela-Kabishop Road-7.6 Km in Central Gem Ward.
2.     Proposed Maintenance of Kakaumu-Nyangweso Road- 3.6 Km in Central Gem Ward.
3.     Proposed Maintenance of Sipoklo-Sirimba Road- 1.6 Km in Central Gem Ward.
4.     Maintenance Of Luri-Mandagala Road 1.8 Km Central Gem
Open – County Specific 100,000.00 NCA 8 and Above
30 1167125 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/030 Maintenance Of Kanyuto-Nyangulu-Mborra Road 5.0 Km East Gem Youth – County Specific To fill tender securing declaration form NCA 8 and Above
 31 1167123 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/031 Routine Maintenance of Roads In East Gem Ward
1.   Maintenance of Rabuor-A0ra Koloo Road 2.8 Km Eest Gem
2.   Maintenance of Sagam-Midhine-Lihanda Road 4.0 Km Eest Gem
3.   Maintenance of Sagam Cca-Kochola Road 1.5 Km Eest Gem
4.   Maintenance Of Uranga-Maungo-Lihanda Road 2.8 Km Eest Gem
Open – County Specific 100,000.00 NCA 8 and Above
 32 1167122 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/032 Construction Of 5 Lines Of Culverts Along Kokwiri-Sihongo-Regea-Chibiri Road 2.0  Km North Gem PWD – County Specific To fill tender securing declaration form NCA 8 and Above
33 1167120 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/033 Opening And Grading Of Sigunga-Umgore-Sanjro Road 2.0 Km  in North Gem Youth– County Specific To fill tender securing declaration form NCA 8 and Above
34 1167117 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/034 Maintenance of Murumba -Sidada Road 1.7 Km in North Gem Women– County Specific To fill tender securing declaration form NCA 8 and Above
35 1167116 CGS/PWR/OT/2021-2023/035 Routine Maintenance of Roads in North Gem Ward
1.     Grading and Gravelling of Mundware-Siga Road 1.0 Km North Gem
2.     Maintenance of Ndere Primary-Mlare Road 3.1 Km North Gem
3.     Maintenance of Old Kodiaga-Lundha-Ligoye-Msembe Road 5.0 Km North Gem
4.     Maintenance of Mwadi-Siga Ring -Water Tank Road 6.0 Km North Gem
5.     Maintenance Of Kanyabola-Mutumbu Road 1.5 Km North Gem
Open – County Specific 150,000.00 NCA 8 and Above
36 1167114 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2022/036 Maintenance Of Chapel-Gombe-Ogero Road 7.3 Km South Gem Women – County Specific To fill tender securing declaration form NCA 8 and Above
37 1167110 CGS/PWR/OT/2021-2022/037 Routine Maintenance of Roads in South Gem Ward
1.     Maintenance and Installation of Culverts Of Got Osir-Ogero Road 3.6 Km South Gem
2.     Maintenance and Installation of Ogero-Oranga Road 1.8 Km South Gem
3.     Maintenance of Nyalunya-Nyaola Road 1.6 Km South Gem
4.     Maintenance of Odok-Kabwana Road 4.0 Km South Gem
5.     Maintenance Of Ndiru- Madundu-Ayieko Road 2.7 Km South Gem
Open – County Specific 50,000.00 NCA 8 and Above
38 1167107 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/038 Maintenance Of Nyarodi-Ober-Dienya Road 3.5 Km West Gem Women – County Specific To fill tender securing declaration form NCA 8 and Above
 39 1167106 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/039 Maintenance Of Dienya-Kaumeri-Alwala Road 1.8 Km West Gem PWD – County Specific To fill tender securing declaration form NCA 8 and Above
 40 1167103 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/040 Maintenance Of Malunga-Kamluo-Sigunga Road 3.8 Km West Gem Youth – County Specific To fill tender securing declaration form NCA 8 and Above
 41 1167101 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/041 Routine Maintenance of Roads in West Gem Ward
1.     Opening and Grading of Ulamba-Nyangulu Road 2.5 Km West Gem
2.     Maintenance of Wadh Sewe Road 3.1 Km West Gem
3.     Opening and Grading of Kajwala-Suludhi Road 2.8 Km West Gem
4.     Maintenance of Ulamba-Wadh Achola Road 2.2 Km West Gem
5.     Maintenance of Orombe-Alwala Road 6.5 Km West Gem
6.     Maintenance Of Kajalango-Dago Road 4.5 Km West Gem
Open – County Specific 200,000.00 NCA 7 and Above
 42 1167099 CGS/PWR/OT/2021-2023/042 Maintenance Of Yala Posta- D.O.- Nyamninia Road 2.4 Km Yala Township And Mutumbu – Soso – Sauri Rd 2.1km In Yala Township Youth – County Specific To fill tender securing declaration form NCA 8 and Above
43 1167094 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/043 Maintenance Of Yala Cereal- Cresent-Mariato Court-Yala D.O Residence  Road 2.2 Km Yala Township PWD– County Specific To fill tender securing declaration form NCA 8 and Above
 44 1167090 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/044 Maintenance Of Anyiko-Sauri-Nyamninia Road 3.1 Km Yala Township Women – County Specific To fill tender securing declaration form NCA 8 and Above
    45 1167088 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/045 Routine Maintenance of Roads in Yala Township Ward
1.     Culverting of Ulumba-Saola Road 3.2 Km Yala Township
2.     Maintenance of Muhanda-Bar Turo Road 3.4 Km Yala Township
3.     Maintenance of Yala-Jina-Kachola Road 3.0 Km Yala Township
4.     Maintenance of Yala Dip-Sauri Road 2.0 Km Yala Township
5.     Maintenance of Bar Sauri-Soso-By Pass Road 1.1 Km Yala Township
6.     Maintenance Of Ben Okwaro Road 1.9 Km Yala Township
Open-county specific 150,000.00 NCA 8 and Above
46 1167080 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/046 Routine Maintenance of Roads in Gem Sub County
1.   Grading, Culverting and Gavelling of Uludhi-Sirembe- Kodiaga Road 9.4 Km North Gem
agric2.   Maintenance of Marenyo-Musudhudhu-Sinaga-Lihanda-Barkalare Road 7.8 Km Yala Township And East Gem Wards
Open – County Specific 400,000.00 NCA 7 and Above
47 1167073 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/047 Proposed Opening, Grading,Murraming and Culverting of Rabel (Ogambi Diensius)-Yao Rachar Road  in South Uyoma Ward Women – County Specific To fill tender securing declaration form NCA 8 and Above
48 1167070 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/048 Proposed Opening, Murraming and Culverting of Kondero from Tarmack Road to Miembe Dispensary in South Uyoma Ward Gem Youth-county specific To fill tender securing declaration form NCA 8 and Above
49 1167888 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/049 Maintenance of Nyagoko olwande Road in West Asembo Ward Youth-county specific To fill tender securing declaration form NCA 8 and Above
50 1169086 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/050 Proposed Grading, Murraming and Culverting of Siger Konguru Road in West Asembo Ward Open – County Specific 50,000.00 NCA 8 and Above
51 1167066 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/051 Proposed Opening of Nyagwara Langu Ojawa Road in West Uyoma Ward Women-County specific To fill tender securing declaration form NCA 8 and Above
52 1167065 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/052 Proposed Maintenance of Nyabera Uyoha Road in West Uyoma Ward Open – County Specific 50,000.00 NCA 8 and Above
53 1167063 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/053 Maintenance of Roads in East Ugenya Ward
1.     Opening of Acham Road in East Ugenya Ward(10.0km)
2.     Maintenance of Kodongo-Nyawita Road in East Ugenya Ward(3km)
3.     Opening of Ludha-Arony Highway Road in East Ugenya Ward(2.2km)
4.     Maintenance of Kokum-Komolo-Kamarimba Road in East Ugenya Ward(5.0km)
5.     Maintenance of Yogo-Kalumbe-Kamarimba Road in East Ugenya Ward(3.8km)
6.     Maintenance Of Nzoia-Inungo Road In East Ugenya Ward(7km)
Open – County Specific 150,000.00 NCA 8 and Above
54 1167061 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/054 Opening Of Ohagre-Nyawara Road In East Ugenya Ward(1.7km Open – County Specific 50,000.00 NCA 8 and Above
55 1167058 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/055 Maintenance Of Kowinga-Ujuang'a-Ligega Road In East Ugenya Ward(5.8km) Women-County specific To fill tender securing declaration form NCA 8 and Above
56 1167056 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/056 Opening Of Ohando-Nyamila-Uchola Road In East Ugenya Ward(3.8km) Youth-county specific To fill tender securing declaration form NCA 8 and Above
57 1167053 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/057 Opening Of Sigalame-Uyore-Urenga Road In East Ugenya Ward(2.1km Youth-county specific To fill tender securing declaration form NCA 8 and Above
58 1167051 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/058 Maintenance Of Sega-Alwala Road In North Ugenya Ward (4.5km Youth-county specific To fill tender securing declaration form NCA 8 and Above
59 1167046 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/059 Grading and gravelling of Got Nanga - Ligala road Grading and murraming of Sega - Ndor road Construction of Jera - Lela - Usula bridge Open-county specific 50,000.00 NCA 8 and Above
60 1167045 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/060 Maintenance Of Odengo-Nyawara Road In Ukwala Ward(6.2km) Youth-county specific To fill tender securing declaration form NCA 8 and Above
61 1167041 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/061 1.Opening of Ng'onglo-Ukwala Road In Ukwala Ward(2.4km)
2.Maintenance Of Ukwala-Yenga-Masamra Primary In Ukwala Ward(6.6km)
Open-county specific 100,000.00 NCA 8 and Above
62 1167040 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/062 Maintenance Of Pap Olang' School-Kagweno Ring Road In West Ugenya Ward(2.5km) Women-County specific To fill tender securing declaration form NCA 8 and Above
63 1167037 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/063 Opening Of Magadini-Mauna-Oyieko Road In West Ugenya Ward(5.3km) Youth-county specific To fill tender securing declaration form NCA 8 and Above
64 1167034 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/064 Maintenance of Nyaholo-Nyalweny-Ujumba-Nyalwoyo Road in West Ugenya Ward(7km) And Maintenance Of Sifuyo-Nzoia Road In West Ugenya Ward(6km) Open-county specific 150,000.00 NCA 8 and Above
65 1167029 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/065 Maintenance of Roads in West Ugenya Ward
1.Maintenance of Sifuyo School-Bar Anyanga School-Ratado-Anyali-Mlambo Dam Road in West Ugenya Ward(8.6km)
2.Maintenance Of Pap Kokowa-Udibony-Got Komolo Road In West Ugenya Ward(2.7km)
Open-county specific 250,000.00 NCA 7 and Above
66 1167028 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/066 Maintenance of Roads in West Ugenya
1.Opening of Koduong'o-Ohendo-Nyarang'a-Kandany Road in West Ugenya Ward(4.8km)
2.Maintenance Of Abele-Milo Road In West Ugenya Ward(3km)
Women-County specific 100,000.00 NCA 8 and Above
67 1167243 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/067 Maintenance Of Ruwe-Mahondo Road In Sidindi Ward(3.5km) PWD-County specific To fill tender securing declaration form NCA 8 and Above
68 1167899 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/068 Maintenance Of Simerro-Mariwa-Kakoth Road In Sidindi Ward(4.5km) Open-county specific 50,000.00 NCA 8 and Above
69 1167892 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/069 Maintenance Of Rang'ala-Sikang'-Simerro Road In Sidindi Ward(4km) Open-county specific 50,000.00 NCA 8 and Above
70 1167827 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/070 Maintenance Of Madungu-Lur-Ligala-Ng'op-Ukalama Road In Sigomre Ward(12.7km Open-county specific 100,000.00 NCA 8 and Above
71 1167024 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/071 Maintenance Of Sigomre-Sofia-Uloma Road In Sigomre Ward(4.9km Women-County specific To fill tender securing declaration form NCA 8 and Above
72 1167022 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/072 Maintenance Of Got Osimbo-Samuga Road In Sigomre Ward(3.2km) PWD-Cpounty specific To fill tender securing declaration form NCA 8 and Above
73 1167018 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/073 Maintenance of Roads in Sigomre Ward
1.Maintenance of Sigomre-Maroche-Musiko Road in Sigomre Ward(1.8km)
2.Maintenance of Miti Moja-Sirako-Ulawe Road in Sigomre Ward(5.4km)
3.Maintenance of Kaisaya-Luoka Road in Sidindi Ward(2.5km)
4.Maintenance Of Sigomre-Sofia Road In Sigomre Ward(2.5km)
Open-county specific 200,000.00 NCA 7 and Above
74 1168056 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/074 Opening Of Waliera-Lisiwa-Urir Road In Ugunja Ward(6.9km) Open-county specific 100,000.00 NCA 8 and Above
75 1168063 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/075 Opening Of Enock-Ajuoga Road In Ugunja Ward(2.4km) Youth-county specific To fill tender securing declaration form NCA 8 and Above
76 1168062 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/076 Maintenance Of Majengo-Wuoroya Road In Ugunja Ward(2.9km) Youth-county specific To fill tender securing declaration form NCA 8 and Above
77 1168061 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/077 Maintenance Of Apodo-Kokoth Chief Ring Road In Ugunja Ward(2.4km) And Maintenance Of Kadogo-Okiro Road In Ugunja Ward(2.5km) Open-county specific 50,000.00 NCA 8 and Above
78 1169954 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/078 Maintenance of Roads in Ugunja Ward
1. Maintenance of Ulumba-Sabar-Corner Mbaya Road in Ugunja Ward(5.5km)
2. Maintenance of Kopondo Jasamba-Ogeda Sand Point Ring Road in Ugunja Ward(3.3km)
3. Maintenance of Kowako-Kanyawanda-Ralum Road in Ugunja Ward(2.5km)
4. Opening of Randere-Komo-Ugoso-Assistant Chief's Office in Ugunja Ward(2km)
5. Maintenance Of Ting'wang'i-Ogeda-Uriya Sec School In Ugunja Ward (3.3km)
Open-county specific 200,000.00 NCA 7 and Above
79 1168060 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/079 Maintenance Of Kodima Ngulu Kowinyo Road In Yimbo East Ward. Women – County Specific To fill tender securing declaration form NCA 8 and Above
80 1168066 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/080 Maintenance of Nyamonye Masamba Bur Yiro Yala Road In Yimbo East Ward. Youth – County specific To fill tender securing declaration form NCA 8 and Above
81 1168055 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/081 Maintenance of Kadega - Pap Ongoro - Mala - Nyandhondho - Warom - Nyandiwa market road Youth – County specific To fill tender securing declaration form NCA 8 and Above
82 1168065 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/082 Maintenance Of Uranga-Sinyolo-Puche Road 2.5 Km East Gem Youth – County Specific To fill tender securing declaration form NCA 8 and Above
83 1168057 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/083 Maintenance of Nango – Gongo Road 2.5km in Central Gem Open – County Specific 100,000.00 NCA 8 and Above
84 1168064 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/084 Maintenance Of Kondula-Kobony-Uganga Road 2.8 Km Yala Township Women – County specific To fill tender securing declaration form NCA 8 and Above
85 1168059 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/085 Maintenance Of Nyayo Bridge-Kobony-Madiri Sda Road 1.8 Km Yala Township Youth – County specific To fill tender securing declaration form NCA 8 and Above
86 1168058 CGS/PWR/OT/2022-2023/085 Maintenance Of Mawe Mbili-Wambida Road 2.8 Km West Gem Youth – County specific To fill tender securing declaration form NCA 8 and Above

Qualified and interested candidates may view, inspect and obtain complete tender documents free of charge from the CGS website (www.siaya.go.ke) and the Public Procurement Information Portal (www.tenders.go.ke).  Tenderers who download the tender document should forward their particulars immediately to supplies@siaya.go.ke  to facilitate/access any further clari?cation and/or addendum.

Prices quoted should be net inclusive of all taxes and delivery costs, must be expressed in Kenya shillings and shall remain valid for a period of 98 days from the closing/opening date of the tender.  Tenders must be accompanied by either a Tender Security in the amounts specified above in the form of a guarantee acceptable under the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Act, 2015 and The Public Procurement and Disposal Regulations, 2006, payable to the County Secretary, CGS or a Tender Securing declaration form in the format provided in the tender document.

The Tenderer shall chronologically serialise all pages of the tender documents submitted

Completed tender documents are to be enclosed in plain sealed envelopes, clearly marked with the tender identification number and name and be deposited in the Tender Box provided at the main entrance of ALEGO USONGA SUB-COUNTY OFFICES within Siaya Town or be addressed and posted to:

The County Secretary
County Government of Siaya
P.O. Box 803 - 40600

so as to be received on or before Friday 17th February, 2023 at 12.00 noon

In addition, tenderers SHALL respond to the tenders through the IFMIS Supplier portal (where apllicable), by the deadline indicated above in order to be eligible for award.

Tenders will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of the tenderers representatives who choose to attend at the Alego Usonga Sub-County Offices.

Late tenders will be rejected

Director, Supply Chain Management

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