The Government of Kenya has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Kenya Urban Support Programme (KUSP), and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under contract for Improvement of Siaya Town.
The County Government of Siaya (CGS) through the Department of Lands, Physical Planning, Housing and Urban Development-Siaya Municipal Board now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the proposed Extension of Non-Motorised Transport Facilities and Storm Water Drainage from Lands (Ardhi Hse) Junction to Jua Kali Junction Road (2a) in Siaya Town, within Siaya Municipality. Tendering will be conducted under open National competitive method using a standardized tender document. Tendering is open to all quali?ed and interested Tenderers.
Qualified and interested candidates may view, inspect and obtain complete tender documents free of charge from the CGS website ( and the Public Procurement Information Portal ( Prospective Tenderers who intend to submit their bids are encouraged to forward their particulars (name of firm, address, phone number, email) to to facilitate any further clari?cation and or addendum.
Prices quoted should be net inclusive of all taxes and delivery costs, must be expressed in Kenya shillings and shall remain valid for a period of 98 days from the closing/opening date of the tender. Tenders must be accompanied by a Tender Security amounting to Kenya Shillings Two Hundred and Sixty Thousand (Kshs. 260,000) in the form of a guarantee acceptable under the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Act, 2015 and The Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Regulations, 2020 payable to the County Secretary, CGS
A Mandatory Pre-Tender Meeting and Site Visit shall be held/Conducted on Monday 4th July, 2022. The Pre-Tender Meeting and Site Visit shall be attended by one of the proposed tenderer’s key personnel, who shall be an Engineer Registered and Licensed with the Engineer’s Registration Board of Kenya . Prospective Tenderers Shall Assemble at Alego Usonga Sub-County Offices at 10.00 a.m.
The Tenderer shall chronologically serialise all pages of the tender documents submitted.
Completed tender documents are to be enclosed in plain sealed envelopes, clearly marked with the Tender Identification Number and Name and be deposited in the Tender Box provided at the main entrance of ALEGO USONGA SUB-COUNTY OFFICES within Siaya Town or be addressed and posted to:
The County Secretary
County Government of Siaya
P.O. Box 803 - 40600
so as to be received on or before Monday 18th July, 2022 at 12.00 noon.