Acquaculture Business Development Programme

Acquaculture Business Development Programme

Magombe Primary School in West Ugenya Ward has harvested a total of 1,150 pieces of table size fish from the school fish pond that was constructed courtesy of Acquaculture Business Development Programme. The students were able to raise KES 31,000 after selling 350 pieces,and used the acquired amount to purchase fingerlings for the next cycle while the rest of the money was directed to their feeding programme.
The Aquaculture Business Development Programme - ABDP, apart from financing the pond construction also gave out 1000 fingerlings, pond liner, predator control kits, feeds and a kitchen garden as part of an initiative to build skills on fish production and inclusion of fish in school meals.
Other schools who have also benefitted from the same support include Sidindi Primary (Ugunja), Kagilo Primary (Gem) and Rapogi Primary school (Bondo).

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