Distribution of Medical Kits to the County Health Promoters

Distribution of Medical Kits to the County Health Promoters

Over 2000 Community Health Promoters have been kitted by County government of Siaya through it's department of Health to continue reversing the negative health indicators by promoting primary health care at the grassroots. Governor James Orengo while presiding over the distribution of the medical kits to the health promoters, directed each of the 10 departments to make use of the CHP to facilitate their programs now that they have proved their worth.
"The deserve birden that was previously putting Siaya wrongly in the map of Kenya has been reversed courtesy of the Community health promoters. So the idea to kit them is for them to tackle ailments at the grassroots so as to decongest the health facilities. Through our partnership with National government, we have issued each with Android phone to help in data collection and make calls for quick response Incase of emergencies.
"I want to appreciate the work of CHP in making Siaya realize certain Health achievements; in the area of disease burden, Siaya is currently at 19 percent from 33 percent while skilled birth has risen to 96 from 56 hence reducing maternal deaths. They have enabled through visitation and counseling reduction of Mother to child transmission of HIV. In Siaya ,immunization coverage has grown from 67 percent to 99 percent. Going by the positive statistics, the Governor directed that each of the CHP will have their children sponsored by the County nursery.
Orengo also assured them that each will have free seeds and fertilizers donated to them by county government. The CHP have benefitted from the government services, apart from being enrolled on the NHIF scheme hence squaring quality health care they are also entitled to monthy stipend of 3000 which is funded by county government of Siaya.

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